
Sims Unleashed

Various cheats
     During  gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C, and a prompt will appear in
the  upper left corner of the screen. Enter one of the cheats below to
enable the code.

Cheat code:                  Result:
value edit_grass (number)    Set grass change
hist_add 	             Add family history stat to current family
visitor_control              Allow visitors to be controlled 
                             using the keyboard
write_destlist 	             Append route destination list 
                             to AllRoutes.txt when new route found
auto_level                   Architecture tools automatically 
                             set the level as needed
sim_log begin                Begin Sim Logging
crash                        Crash game
edit_char                    Create-a-character mode
draw_all_frames_off          Disable ''draw all animation frames''
map_edit_off                 Disable Map Editor
preview_anims off            Disable Preview Animations
dump_mc                      Dump motive contribution curve to a file
map_edit on                  Enable map editor
preview_anims on             Enable review animations
route_balloons_on            Enable routing debug balloons
prepare_lot                  Fix lot objects
assert                       Force assert
import (FAM File)            Import and load specified FAM file
genable_objects off          Invisible objects
log_animations               Log animations in event log window
move_objects on              Move any object
tile_info                    Programmer Stats
quit                         Quit game
refresh_textures             Refresh character texture
rotation (0-3)               Rotate Camera
history                      Save family history
save                         Save house
log_mask                     Set event logging mask
grow_grass (0-150)           Set grass growth
interests                    Show personality and interests
tile_info on                 Show tile information
draw_routes on               Sim's path displayed
draw_routes_off              Sim's path hidden
sweep off                    Ticks disabled
sweep on                     Ticks enabled
report_assets                Toggle assets report
auto_reset                   Toggle automatic object reset
music                        Toggle music
obj_comp                     Toggle object compression
reload_people                Total reload
soundevent                   Trigger sound event
tutorial off                 Turn Off Tutorial
water_tool                   Water tool
rosebud                      1000 Simoleons
shrink_text (font_size) (text) 	Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files
draw_floorable_off           Disable floorable grid
[date:time].txt: core_dump   Dump memory to core dump
dump_happy                   Dump most recent list of scored interactions 
                             to a file
draw_all_frames_on           Enable ''draw all animation frames''
draw_floorable_on            Enable floorable grid
sim_log end                  End Sim Logging
cht (filename)               Execute ''file.cht'' file as a list of cheats
rebuild_cp                   Rebuild control panel/UCP from scratch
restore_tut                  Restore tutorial
sim_speed (-1000-1000)       Set game speed
lot_size (number)            Set lot size
allow_inuse                  Set menu items to appear for in-use objects
cam_mode                     Toggle camera mode
sound_log                    Toggle sound log
html                         Toggle web page creation
tutorial on                  Turns on Tutorial
route_balloons_off           Disable routing debug balloons
draw_origins                 Draw dots at each Sim's origin
house (house number)         Load house
browser_failsafe             Prevent Browser crashes
sound                        Toggle sounds

Sims 2

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при помощи формы комментариев ниже
Страница: Читы на Sims Unleashed

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