
F-Zero GX

Car Setup Tips 
     Pay attention to the Machine Setting graph before racing. Each
F-Zero racer can be customized by moving the slider to the left or
the right.

     Acceleration / Left-Balanced: Move the line to the left to
balance the car for quick turning. This setting is appropriate for
technical courses with many sharp turns and few long straights. The
car will boost off the start much faster and perform better while
drifting. When using a car balanced for acceleration, use the drift
turn technique (press L and R while turning) to prevent speed loss in

     Top Speed / Right Balanced: Move the line towards the right to
balance the car for faster top speeds. This setting is best for
courses with long straights (or pipes) and few sharp turns. The car
doesn't drift as well and has lower acceleration after impacts or
from the start line. Use the slide turn technique to navigate around
corners (press R while turning right, L while turning left) and
follow the apex of the curve for best results.
Unlock Dark Schneider 
     To unlock the Dark Schneider, beat all of the chapters in Story
Unlock Diamond Cup 
     To unlock the Diamond Cup, come in first place in the Ruby,
Sapphire and Emerald Cups (on Standard or Expert).
Unlock Master Class 
     To unlock Master Class, come in first place in the following
Cups on Expert: Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire.

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