
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memoriesy 2!

Card Passwords:

Time Wizard                  71625222
Mask Of Darkness             28933734
Man-Eater Bug                54652250
Hane-Hane                    07089711
Silver Fang                  90357090
Dragon Piper                 55763552
Shining Angel                95956346
Hibikime                     64501875
Mysterious Puppeteer         54098121
Celtic Guardian              91152256
Kojikocy                     01184620
Neo The Magic Swordsman      50930991
Winged Dragon                87796900
Battle Ox                    05053103
Blackland Fire Dragon        87564352
La Jinn                      97590747
Koumori Dragon               67724379
Curse of Dragon              28279543
Flame Cerebrus               60862676
Summoned Skull               70781052
Red-Eyes Black Dragon        74677422
Gaia the Fierce Knight       06368038
Blue-Eyes White Dragon       89631139
Soul Release                 05758500
Change of Heart              04031928
De-Spell                     19159413
Monster Reborn               82764718
Darkness Approaches          80168720
Share the Pain               56830749
Pot of Greed                 55144522
Final Destiny                18591904
Dark Hole                    53129443
The Cheerful Coffin          41142615
Malevolent Nuzzler           99597615
Paralyzing Potion            50152549
Sword of Deep-Seated         98495314
Sword of Dark Destruction    37120512
Dark Energy                  04614116
Mountain                     50913601
Just Desserts                24068492
Robbin' Goblin               88279736
Ultimate Offering            80604091
Judge Man                    30113682
Flame Swordsman              45231177
Time Wizard                  71625222
Man-eating Treasure chest    13723605
Terra the Terrable           63308047
Disk Magician                76446915
Blue-eyes white dragon       89631139
Harpie lady                  76812113
Metal fish 1600/1900         55998462
Red Archery girl 1400/1500   65570596
Winged Dragon 1400/1200      87796900
Giant Turtle 1400/1800       6981563
Red medicine                 38199696

Easy Starchips:
     Beat  Teana  and  Jono in campaign mode. Then go to free duel and
face them. They are very easy.

Easy starchips:
     After  leaving  the  palace the first time go back to the palace.
You  will  be  asked to duel. Dont worry it is the easiest duel of the
game.  Just  beet  him  quickly and then you can duel him in free duel
mode.  Not  only  do  you get easy starchips you also get decent cards
from him.

3-D Battle Arena:
     When you have a monster on the field press X to attack. Highlight
a monster and press Square. It will then go into a 3-D Arena.

Easy Star Chips & Good Cards: 
     Just beat Jono and he might give you Time Wzard and he is easy to
beat,  and  beat  Tai  at the begining to get easy starchips. Beat Rex
Rapter  and  Mai Valintine in the tourtamint to get good cards. Once I
beat  Rex  and  he  gave me Blackland Fire Dragon, and once I beat him
another  time  and  he  gave  me  Dragon  Zombie  and time wizard with
Blackland Fire Dragon OR Dragon Zombie makes Thousand Dragon.

     Dragon  Zombie  and  a  Thunder  type  monster  makes twin headed
Thunder  Dragon  but  if you do it with a Dragon monster with a 16 and
lower  you  need  1  Dragon  then a Thunder and another Dragon in that
order.  Baby Dragon and Time Wizard and Thunder type makes Twin Headed
Thunder Dragon.

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