Cheat Codes Club
Cheat Codes Index - GameBoy - M Games 1 - 100 of 324.

Cheats for Recent Systems:
GameBoy Advance | Game Cube | Macintosh | Nintendo DS | Nintendo Wii
PC - Windows | Playstation | Playstation 2 | Playstation 3 | PSP | Xbox | Xbox 360

Cheats for Other Systems:
3DO | Amiga | Arcade | Atari 2600 | Atari 5200
Atari 7800 | CD-i | Colecovision | Commodore 64 | Dreamcast
DVD Video | Game Gear | Game.Com | GameBoy | GameBoy Color
Genesis | Intellivision | Jaguar | Lynx | Master System
NeoGeo | NeoGeo Pocket | NES | N-Gage | Nintendo 64
Pinball | Saturn | Sega 32X | Sega CD | SNES
TurboGrafx 16 | Vectrex | Virtual Boy

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N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Game Name (Exact Search)

Game Name (Inexact Search)

1. Madden '96 Madden '96
2. Madden NFL '95 Madden NFL '95
3. Madden NFL '96 Madden NFL '96
4. Magination Magination
5. Mah Jong Mah Jong
6. Mario Mario
7. Mario Clash Mario Clash
8. Mario's Picross Mario's Picross
9. Maru's Mission Maru's Mission
10. Master Blaster Boy Master Blaster Boy
11. Matchbox Caterpillar Construction Matchbox Caterpillar Construction
12. Mega Man Mega Man
13. Mega Man 2 Mega Man 2
14. Mega Man 3 Mega Man 3
15. Mega Man 4 Mega Man 4
16. Mega Man 5 Mega Man 5
17. Megalit Megalit
18. Megaman : Dr. Wily's Revenge Megaman : Dr. Wily's Revenge
19. Men in Black 2 Men in Black 2
20. Men In Black The Series 2 Men In Black The Series 2
21. Mercenary Force Mercenary Force
22. Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid
23. Metroid 2 Metroid 2
24. Metroid 2 : Return Of Samus Metroid 2 : Return Of Samus
25. Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse
26. Mickey Mouse 2 Mickey Mouse 2
27. Mickey Mouse 4 : Mahou no Labyrinth Mickey Mouse 4 : Mahou no Labyrinth
28. Mickey Mouse : Magic Wands Mickey Mouse : Magic Wands
29. Mickey Mouse Magic Wands Mickey Mouse Magic Wands
30. Mickey's Dangerous Chase Mickey's Dangerous Chase
31. Micro Machines Micro Machines
32. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
33. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
34. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers : The Movie Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers : The Movie
35. Migrain Acclaim Migrain Acclaim
36. Milon's Secret Castle Milon's Secret Castle
37. Minesweeper Minesweeper
38. Mole Mania Mole Mania
39. Monster Max Monster Max
40. Montezuma's Return Montezuma's Return
41. Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat
42. Mortal Kombat 1 And 2 Mortal Kombat 1 And 2
43. Mortal Kombat 2 Mortal Kombat 2
44. Mortal Kombat 3 Mortal Kombat 3
45. Mortal Kombat 4 Mortal Kombat 4
46. Motocross Maniacs Motocross Maniacs
47. Mr. Nutz Mr. Nutz
48. Ms. Pac-Man Ms. Pac-Man
49. MTV Sports Skateboarding MTV Sports Skateboarding
50. Muhammad Ali Boxing Muhammad Ali Boxing
51. Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
52. Mulan Mulan
53. Mummy Returns Mummy Returns
54. Mysterium Mysterium
55. Mystical Ninja Mystical Ninja
56. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
57. Madden NFL 2000 Madden NFL 2000
58. Marble Madness Marble Madness
59. Mario Golf Mario Golf
60. Mary Kate And Ashley: Get A Clue Mary Kate And Ashley: Get A Clue
61. Matchbox Caterpillar Construction Zone Matchbox Caterpillar Construction Zone
62. Maui Mallard In Cold Shadow Maui Mallard In Cold Shadow
63. Megaman Megaman
64. Megaman 2 Megaman 2
65. Megaman 3 Megaman 3
66. Megaman 4 Megaman 4
67. Megaman 5 Megaman 5
68. Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge
69. Men In Black Men In Black
70. Meta Fight Meta Fight
71. Metroid 2: Return of Samus Metroid 2: Return of Samus
72. Mickey's Racing Adventure Mickey's Racing Adventure
73. Miner 2049er Miner 2049er
74. Missile Command Missile Command
75. Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible
76. Monster Rancher Battle Card Game Monster Rancher Battle Card Game
77. Motocross Maniacs 2 Motocross Maniacs 2
78. Mr. Do! Mr. Do!
79. MTV Sports: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX MTV Sports: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX
80. Mask of Zoro Mask of Zoro
81. McDonald Land McDonald Land
82. Mickey's Dangerous Case Mickey's Dangerous Case
83. Micky Mouse Magic Wands Micky Mouse Magic Wands
84. Micro Machines 2 Micro Machines 2
85. Mighty Morphing Power Rangers Mighty Morphing Power Rangers
86. Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: The Movie Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: The Movie
87. Millennium Winter Sports Millennium Winter Sports
88. Millipede/Centipede Millipede/Centipede
89. Monster Wars Monster Wars
90. Mousetrap Hotel Mousetrap Hotel
91. Muppets Muppets
92. Mystic Quest Mystic Quest
93. Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
94. Mortal Kombat II Mortal Kombat II
95. Mega Man III Mega Man III
96. Metroid II: Return of Samus Metroid II: Return of Samus
97. M&M Mini Madness M&M Mini Madness
98. Madden NFL 2002 Madden NFL 2002
99. Maya the Bee Maya the Bee
100. Mega Man Extreme Mega Man Extreme

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